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Regular Meeting
August 11, 2009 6:00 p.m..
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Ferguson, Wilson. Wright and Kaley
Margaret Wilkin, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m

1.      Public Participation
        Marianne Brown, 4 Sherman Street, Danbury, Connecticut was present to discuss Item 8 – Sherman Road Subdivision. Commissioner Wilson made a motion to move the Item up.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The vote was unanimous.  Ms. Brown advised the Commission that a petition had been signed by all neighbors except the developer approving the application for scenic road status for Sherman Road.  Mr. Ferguson accepted a copy of the petition.  The Commission will continue discussing the property later.

Commissioner Cramer joined the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

        Ann Marie Mitchell, 17 Butterfield Road, Newtown, Connecticut was present to discuss New Business – Hawleyville Transfer Station.  Commissioner Wright made a motion to move the item up.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The vote was unanimous.  Ms. Mitchell expressed neighborhood concerns regarding the potential risk of contamination of the water supply.  She stated that large semi trucks come in convoys sometimes starting as early as 6:50 a.m.  She showed pictures of the area that are on the group’s website showing unknown materials have been dumped on what they think might be wetland.  She was joined by Dave Broughton, 145 Currituck Road and Terri Laslow, Old Bethel Road, fellow members of HEAT.  They asked the Commission if they would use whatever influence they might have to investigate the matter.  Marianne Brown agreed with the comment that most residents are not aware of what is going on at the site, which appears to be a lumber yard from the road.  The Commission agreed that the matter deserves further investigation.

11.     Approval of Minutes – Item tabled

111.            Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee  

        Commissioner Ferguson advised that the identification of possible rare plant species    was underway.  The expert’s qualifications will be made available

        2.      Natural Resources Inventory Update  - No update

        3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at commerce Road Update – No update

        b.      Ferris Public Access

Commissioner Wright had discussed the possibility of a rock with metal sign with Mrs. Ferris.  The State does not want public access.  No decision has been made yet regarding sign design.

c.      Open Space Signage

        Commissioner Kaley identified potential sites to be appraised for possible purchase.  Commissioner Wright had met with “Sticks & Signs” who will submit a price quote on signs.         

4.              Strategic Planning Committee Report – No update

        5.              Acquisition Strategies Report

        Tax deferral for Conservation Easements:  Commissioner Ferguson met with the    Board of Finance along with Commissioner Wilson and Rob Sibley to discuss how a         potential ordinance could be implemented.

        Possible Bee Article (Easements):   Commissioner Ferguson updated the   Commission.

        Brochure – No update

        6.              Public Education Committee Report

        Commissioner Wright said that the High School expressed interest in aquifer education.  Commissioner Kaley wondered if the finished product could be used to get the information about environmental threats out to the public at large.  Commissioner Cramer  suggested that updated information be forwarded to absent Commissioners.

7.              Website

        Mr. Ferguson advised this year they were fully involved with Al’s Trail.  Other sites   will need to be put off till next year.

8.      Sherman Road Subdivision Update

        The Commission discussed the matter of scenic road status raised earlier.  Commissioner Kaley will discuss possible vernal pools on the property with the Inland Wetland Commission.  The Commission discussed zoning regulations and how open land could be protected.
9.      Al’s Trail Status Update  - No update

IV      New Business

        Hunter Ridge Subdivision:  Commissioner Wright briefed the Commission on the subdivision history.  The Commission was not pleased with the fee in lieu given to the applicant.  The Commission will be represented when the matter appears on the P&Z Agenda.  

Commissioner Ferguson moved to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The motion was approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.